If you’re interested in an affordable place to stay in Patitiri, but don’t want to be in the center of town with all its noise and activity, I recommend you consider Villa Dawn rental rooms (see photo to your right) owned and operated by Dawn Kiriannaki. We have known Dawn for over 20 years and she is a very nice woman. Dawn is originally from the U.K. but has lived on the island for decades.
Located on a hillside perhaps 10 minutes by foot from the harbor, the rooms at Villa Dawn provide a nice view toward the uninhabited islands called the Two Brothers and of the port of Patitiri itself. All rooms include comfortable beds along with a bathroom en suite, and feature a refrigerator and an electric kettle for heating water for tea or other hot beverages. The photo to your left gives you an idea of the type of view you’ll be able to see while seated on your terrace.
For additional information or a price quotation, or to book a reservation, contact Dawn by phone at (30) 2-424-065606 or via email by clicking here.
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